All GSCS schools & offices will be closed on Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day.
30 days ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
american flag
This year GSCS fall athletes are participating in the Beyond Self Athlete Program, a student development program, led by Community Partner and Mentor David Johnson, meant to grow student leadership skills, build character and improve school culture. To kick off the program, all middle and high school student-athletes attended the Beyond Self Athlete's Assembly today in the Griffin Auditorium. Athletes were told they are all Persons Of Influence (POI) and the importance of the 3 R's: Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Take Responsibility. Key Note Speaker Marlin Lynch III (Pastor Mo) shared the importance of discovering their purpose and making positive life choices. Words of wisdom from Pastor Mo included: "Learn to say No" "Your self-worth is not a group decision" "Some people are not your friends, they are just people you know" "Don't let your ice cream melt while you are counting someone else's sprinkles"
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
student athletes in auditorium
Parent Engagement Title I Meeting. See flyer for details.
about 1 month ago, Spalding High School
Title I Flyer
Student leaders participated in the first Peer Court session of the school year at the GRCCA courtroom.
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
students smiling
students in courtroom
students in courtroom
This week GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith Simmons had his first Slices with the Superintendent of the school year with his student advisory councils from Spalding High & Griffin High. Students shared how the school year is going, asked questions, gave excellent feedback and enjoyed pizza thanks to our Partner In Education Slices Pizzeria Griffin.
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
superintendent with students
GSCS CTAE also had a meet & greet with Alex, the new AI-generated talking patient robot, that will be used for students in our healthcare pathways. Because healthcare business partners gave feedback that students needed more experience learning soft skills, these robots were purchased through a grant (1 for GHS & 1 for SHS). Alex has numerous patient scenarios such as an allergic reaction, respiratory issues, insomnia, car accident, etc. for students to practice interacting with patients. Alex records and videos these interactions and students earn points. Alex is the first full-body Patient Communication Simulator that sees, listens, talks and even breathes. This is very exciting for our healthcare students!
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
people talking to robot
people talking to robot
people talking to robot
people talking to robot
It was a big day for GSCS CTAE! A ribbon-cutting was held to show off the new Atlas Greenhouse at GRCCA funded by a grant through the state. Now, our horticulture & animal science pathway students can learn with a hands-on approach. Students will sell the plants they grow to earn money to support the district's FFA Chapter in regional, state & national competitions.
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
people looking at plants
people looking at plants
Tonight kicks off the 2024-25 football season with GHS vs. Tift Co. at Memorial Stadium (SHS @ Central). Please remember to arrive early for the security checkpoint. The HOME side is the East (metal) stands and all Bags must be CLEAR plastic, vinyl or PVC and not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”. For full stadium guidelines, ticket information & FAQs visit
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
clear bags required
stadium view of home side
football schedule
GHS Football Coach Fedd and SHS Football Coach Davis spoke today at the Kiwanis Club of Griffin. They talked about their work to prepare and what they are looking forward to for the upcoming football season.
about 1 month ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
football coaches posing
football schedule
Great start to the year for workbase learning! Students had their first class to talk about soft skills in the workplace!
about 2 months ago, Kimberly Sheppard
Visit for GSCS Safety Tips for a Successful Back to School
about 2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
bus arm
about 2 months ago, Spalding High School
2024 Fall Survey
GSCS Open House for ELEMENTARY families is today, Tuesday, July 30, from 3-7 p.m. and tomorrow, Wednesday, July 31, from 3 – 7 p.m. for MIDDLE & HIGH families. For back-to-school resources & info. visit or text us at 678-990-9609.
about 2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
chalk board and logo
Yesterday, GSCS clerical staff began their learning adventure at the inaugural 2024 GSCS Clerical Academy! GSCS school and department office staff learned, laughed and networked as they prepare for a new school year. They were welcomed by GSCS Superintendent Dr. Keith Simmons and participated in fun activities, a Q&A panel and training classes from technology and human resources. Their adventure continued today with more fun activities, employee wellness with Dr. Ecclesia Savage and professional learning from operations, finance and more. Thank you to the sponsors and everyone who helped make this inaugural academy a success!
2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
superintendent speaking
office staff posing
office staff posing
office staff posing
sponsor thank you
office staff posing
office staff posing
office staff posing
office staff posing
office staff posing
Griffin-Spalding Partners In Education is holding its 23rd Annual Partners In Education Golf Tournament on Friday, September 27, at the Griffin City Park Golf Course. All proceeds benefit the students and teachers of GSCS by providing field trip/classroom grants and teacher scholarships. Please consider sponsoring/participating. We would love your support! Sponsorship Form: Questions? Email More info. on PIE visit
2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
golf tourney flyer
The Griffin Spalding Mentor Program is seeking caring adults to mentor a child! 1 child x 1 hour per week + 1 year commitment = 2 changed lives: Yours and a child’s! No experience is needed. Training, coaching and assistance provided. Download the Mentor Flyer at For information or questions about the program contact Kathy Rhodes at or 404-316-2704. Training sessions for new mentors will be held on August 12, at 223 S. 6th Street in Griffin. Advance registration is required. You may use the links below to register for the session you wish to attend. August 12, 2024 10:00 – 11:30 AM Session Registration Link 6:00 – 7:30 PM Session Registration Link
2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
male mentor and male sitting on bleachers
Former Kennedy Road Middle and future 9th Grade Spalding High Student Skye Oduaran has been selected to give a TED Talk at TEDxMemphis on September 28, 2024! TED is a global platform that features talks on ideas worth spreading. Skye's talk will focus on the power of youth journalism and how young voices are shaping the future of media. Congratulations Skye! GSCS is proud of you!
2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
Ted X Memphis
GSCS Student Services Department has the following job vacancies for the 2024-25 school year: School Social Worker, Student Services Department Secretary and Dental Paraprofessional. If you’re interested in these positions, please apply at
2 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
kids smiling
Online Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Register online at In person registration will begin tomorrow, July 10, at the Central Registration Building located at 234 E. Taylor St. The last day to register with ALL documents submitted to ensure your student is enrolled by Open House is July 23. Open House is on July 30 for elementary and July 31 for middle and high.
3 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
school registration
Join Griffin-Spalding County Schools on July 11, 2024, from 2:30-4:30 PM! Explore exciting career opportunities, meet school leaders, and more. 📅 Register here/see flyer: #JobFair #EducationJobs #GSCS
3 months ago, Griffin-Spalding County Schools
job fair info